Background Info
We started in 2001 at Bryant Intermediate School. I (Frost) started the band with the original Lead singer (S) and one of his friends (Zach) he joined and I taught him the bass. The original drummer, (C), just moved here, and she didn't know how to play either, so I taught her how play too. We played our first gig at the talent show doing a cover of "Spiders". The band almost broke up the following school year; when we kicked out the singer, and the drummer quit. Luckily one of my relatives knew a drummer (Ryan) and he joined the band. The drummer knew a screamer; so he joined (J).
we've just completed our first gig and it was a BIG success. you should really check us out. our demo tape will be out soon.
if you live in Salt lake then you'll see us play at the U of U ballroom or some underground place sometime in may; i'll get the date up when i know the day. we'll be performing more in the summer. Right now we have about 7 or so songs that we can play. We've made up 5 of them.